
FBI Annual Meeting 2023

FBI Annual Meeting 2023

FBI Special Events

On December 13th and 14th 2023, we have the pleasure to invite you to our Annual Meeting, to be hosted by our brand new FBI Toulouse Node at the Centre de Biologie Intégrative of the Université Toulouse 3 – Paul Sabatier.

We will be happy to celebrate yet another year of achievements and developments in bioimaging with all the members of the community.

This year, the Annual Meeting will focus on “Multiscale mechanobiology of cells and cell systems“, a topic specially selected for being one of Toulouse node’s expertise.

Mechanobiology aims to apply biophysical approaches to measure and perturb forces in complex physiological systems, and to develop in vitro systems including different types of organoids, enabling the controlled manipulation of cells and tissues and the measurement of mechanical forces to study cell mechanics and morphogenesis. 

This “mechanobiology” theme is including (i) how cells generate and transmit forces, (ii) the impact of forces on cell/tissue dynamics, (iii) the impact of extrinsic forces on cells and tissues, and (iv) the development of new tools for manipulating and measuring forces in cells and tissues in a controlled, non-invasive way.

We invite the France-BioImaging Community to present their mechanobiology-related projects during the second day of the Annual Meeting around a dedicated session with selected talks. We strongly encourage you to submit an abstract for a talk or a poster presentation during your registration!

The winner of the best talk and the best poster presentation will win their registration fees for one 2024 microscopy related event of their choice!

Core facilities will also have an opportunity to present a poster.

We look forward to meeting you there!


Deadline to register: 24/11/2023 at 23:59

France-BioImaging Annual Meeting 2023 Registration

Personal information

Member of France-BioImaging
I will attend on
Dietary restrictions
Which core facilities do you want to visit? To make your choice, here is a short description of every core facilities: more info.
The 13/12 morning will be dedicated to visits of the Toulouse node. Following your choice, we will contact you later to organize the visit. Please take the travel time into account: 3 core facilities recommended.
Do you want to participate to technological WG parallel sessions?
Please select the one you are interested to join.
The program of the second day will offer an opportunity to present your achievements and developments in mechanobiology and related topics. We strongly encourage you to submit your abstract down below.

Oral Presentation Information

Max duration of a presentation: 15 minutes.
Scientific subcategory

Maximum file size: 104.86MB

Please submit abstract here (.pdf). Find the abstract template here. Find all the abstract submission guidelines here.

Poster Information

Scientific subcategory

Maximum file size: 104.86MB

Please submit abstract here (.pdf). Find the abstract template here. Find all the abstract submission guidelines here.
By submitting this form entry, I acknowledge that:
– If my submission is accepted, I am to effectively present the day of the meeting, and will let the organizers know of any emergency preventing me to do so;
– For FBI members, please get in touch with your node to organize your visit. As for external speakers, you will be directly contacted by the Toulouse node.
– I consent to be photographed during the meeting, and for the pictures to be used in future France-BioImaging communications.

Preliminary program


Adresse: Centre de Biologie Intégrative, 169 Rue Marianne Grunberg-Manago, 31400 Toulouse

Télécharger le plan du campus

Comment venir?

Par la route

En venant de Bordeaux, contourner Toulouse par l’Est (direction Montpellier) ; avant le péage prendre la sortie no 23 direction Rangueil ou la no 19 direction Ramonville, puis suivre Université Paul Sabatier.

En venant de Montpellier, après le péage, prendre la sortie no 19 direction Ramonville, puis suivre Université Paul Sabatier.

En avion

Horaires aéroport Toulouse Blagnac

Une navette et le tramway relient l’aéroport et le centre ville de Toulouse (Transports en communs)

De là, il est possible de prendre le métro (lignes A ou B) pour rejoindre la station « Ramonville St Agne » (ligne B, direction Ramonville) : environ 1h de trajet

Le CBI est à 500 mètres à l’Ouest de la station et accessible à pieds ou en bus.

Il est également possible de prendre un taxi depuis l’aéroport : compter au moins 1/2h de trajet hors heures de pointe

En train

Depuis la Gare SNCF Matabiau:

Prendre le métro LIGNE A direction Basso Cambo, changer à la station “Jean Jaurès” et prendre la Ligne B pour rejoindre la station « Ramonville St Agne » : comptez environ 40 minutes depuis la gare.

Le CBI est à 500 mètres à l’Ouest de la station et accessible à pieds ou en bus.

Hôtels conseillés :

Nous vous conseillons de privilégier des hôtels en centre-ville.

Prise en charge des missions: 

Se rapprocher de votre noeud FBI (fonds mission), sauf pour les intervenants qui seront directement contactés pour la prise en charge de leur missions. 

